HSBC Advising Service Payment Advice eMail Warning!

danger iconJust had 4 infected emails from HSBC, or rather, some one pretending to be from HSBC but in fact these are another Nigerian Scam and attempt to infect my computer.

The Subject for these emails is Payment Advice - Advice Ref:[GB775470] / CHAPS credits though each Reference varies on eaqch email.

The sending email address seems to be which is registered in Nigeria and requests that you download a payment advice from their server which varies from, ...

Read more: HSBC Advising Service Payment Advice eMail Warning!

HM Courts infected eMail Warning!

danger iconLatest infected eMail to drop on my inboxes doormat is alledgedly from L.A.B. Investments stating that a claim has been issued against me and passed to HM Courts with a reference number in Square Brackets.

It's a fake and carries an infected payload like all the other recent infected emails. In fact the sending domain is I believe and includes a .doc file extension attachment, which no doubt uses a Word Macro to infect your computer and steal your details, including your bank...

Read more: HM Courts infected eMail Warning!

Unpaid Invoice attached eMail Warning

danger iconYet another batch of infected emails hitting our inboxes currently. These have a subject of Unpaid Invoice [*****] attached, where the stars are a random set of numbers, and the attachment is named something along the lines of "".

This contains yet another infected exe file which will run as soon as you open the zip file, infecting your computer with its malicious payload.

You can tell if these are fakes as they do seem to be coming from a polish domain:

Do not...

Read more: Unpaid Invoice attached eMail Warning

Vistaprint VAT Invoice - Fake eMail warning

danger iconI've just receive an email supposedly sent by VistaPrint at 12.15 today, it wasn't, it's an infected malware laden attempt to con people into opening the payload in the attachment.

I spoke to Vistaprint and they are now becoming aware of the issue. It is fake and Vistaprint are looking into it.

It seems genuine at first as it was sent to the same email address as I do use for Vistaprint but the subject refers to an invalid invoice number and according to Steve at Sane Security there is a...

Read more: Vistaprint VAT Invoice - Fake eMail warning

Aspiring Solicitors Debt Collection eMail Warning

danger iconYet another infected Spam email doing the rounds, first time I've received one with this subject.

It comes claiming to be from Aspiring Solicitors representing National Westmenister Bank demanding payment for GBP 2,345 (pounds). As an incentive to pay you are informed that an additional GBP 995 (pounds) will be added once proceedings have been issued. The mis-spelt name of a bank is used 4 times. All pointing to the fact that this is of course a FAKE email, a badly faked one at that.


Read more: Aspiring Solicitors Debt Collection eMail Warning

Barclaycard spam email warning

danger iconHad another spoof or infected email today, this time alledgedly from barclaycard. This one advising me that my credit limit has been incresed and asking me to download the document attached to confirm the increase.

Hidden in the email header is the fact that the email was routed via which suggests that this is one of the many Ukranian Spoof sites, another major giveaway that this email is not from barclaycard is that I'm not, nor have I ever been a Barclaycard user.


Read more: Barclaycard spam email warning

Natwest Banking (Alledgedly) email warning

danger iconYet another infected email on the rounds arrived today. It's very obvious to me that this is a spoof email with malicious intent as (a) I'm not a customer of NatWest and (b) it's addressed to "Good Afternoon". The email than goes on to request I open an "attached content" regarding my account incident". The subject starts off "RE:Incident..."

The email is supposed sent from Sherman.Cameron AT but in actual fact this is a spoofed address and comes from scitpo [AT]...

Read more: Natwest Banking (Alledgedly) email warning

Offline Message emails warning

danger iconNew infected emails hitting your inbox may be from someone you know, in which case their computer has been infected and the email you've just received is trying to infect your computer!

The give away is in the message which is "I have sent you an Offline Message" and a link along the lines of "Click here to locate message"

The link is strange and directs you to an infected page or site. Delete the message unread!

So far, the infected eMails I've seen have a one word subject: crucial or desi...

Read more: Offline Message emails warning

Remittance or Re:Remittance eMail Warning

danger iconYet again, those spammers are sending out yet more infected emails!

These appear to come from:- From: "first name second name" though the email address used shows no match to these names.

The Subject of these eMails starts with Re: Remittance [Report ID: followed by five digits, a dash and 7 more digits and finally ]. These seems to be around 35.6-36.2Kb in size and the attachment has 10 characters as a name and is an XLS file, or so it claims. NEVER open the attachment, just permanently...

Read more: Remittance or Re:Remittance eMail Warning source of recent spam emails Warning

danger iconThe latest  junk email seems to  consist of pretty random subject and contents. There'll be some sort of package that will not doubt try to infect you somehow, but I don't know what.

So far, the only links I found between them are that both emails so far received are that both where apparently sent via domain.

Example 1:  email  prefix user name, Two different films with the same title, the same leading actor and the same music director. Metal detectors

Example 2:  email  prefix user...

Read more: source of recent spam emails Warning