Vistaprint VAT Invoice - Fake eMail warning
I've just receive an email supposedly sent by VistaPrint at 12.15 today, it wasn't, it's an infected malware laden attempt to con people into opening the payload in the attachment.
I spoke to Vistaprint and they are now becoming aware of the issue. It is fake and Vistaprint are looking into it.
It seems genuine at first as it was sent to the same email address as I do use for Vistaprint but the subject refers to an invalid invoice number and according to Steve at Sane Security there is a Windows executable file "Invoice_1.exe" which opens up a malicious payload to infect your computer!
As always, if you are not expecting an email with an attachment, delete the whole thing, never ever click on the attachment link. Even if it's from someone you know, check with them before opening it, if you use Outlook/Outlook Express and such like to access your emails, turn off the preview window now if you haven't already done so. Be safe, not sorry.