Fake Funds has been DONATED eMail warning!

danger iconJust a word of warning, some Brazilian spammer is out there trying to con you into responding to an eMail informing you that "Funds has been DONATED to you Reply to this email: (onu_claims2 {at} 163.com) for details.

NEVER reply to this sort of spam, they only want you to confirm that your email is genuine then you'll be flooded with mail trying to get to you give them your bank details (so your funds can be transferred... More like transferred OUT of your account) or con you into opening an infected email.

Addresses in this can include bookey {at} gci.net, westernunionmespn {at} yeah.net, sent using the mail program at fcm.unicamp.br which is Universidade Estadual de Campinas at Sao Paulo, Brazil which will have probably been hacked anyway.
